Pull Out Shelves in Chandler: How We Can Streamline Your Kitchen

pull out shelves

If your kitchen is feeling stale or cluttered, now is the time to invest in upgrades that will have you loving it again. At ShelfGenie® of East Valley, we can help. With deliberate changes to storage, like pull out shelves, dividers, and risers, we transform kitchens throughout the Chandler area.

You may be surprised at how much the organization of your kitchen affects your ability to use it. When shelves are too deep, you may forget about items at the back. When your pantry is too crowded, you may store bulk foods on the floor or ingredients on the counter. We increase storage space by as much as 50% giving you room to get organize so you can enjoy your kitchen again.

3 Ways to Re-Think Your Kitchen with Pull Out Shelves

When we streamline your kitchen, the intention is to make it easier for you to use in every way. We don’t just re-organize existing items on shelves, cupboards, and pantries. Our Designers also re-consider the way you use your kitchen altogether.

For homes in Chandler, it means re-thinking the layout and configuration of kitchen storage. Whether we’re installing pull out shelves for extra storage or grouping similar ingredients together, here are three ways we can make your kitchen feel bigger and make all your items easier to find:

  • Organizing by zone. We can organize your kitchen by zone, from cleaning to cooking to prep, and more. Cleaning products are stored beneath the sink, while cooking utensils and cookbooks are within easy reach of the stove. That means you can stay in one section of your kitchen while doing prep, cleaning, or baking, and everything you need is within easy reach.
  • Sorting by size. When tall bottles are mixed together with short jars, cans, or boxes, the effect can be chaotic. It’s hard to see and grab ingredients quickly. We can sort your pantry items by size, positioning them on pull out shelves that easily partition each section. Spices can be kept together on one extendable rack, and other ingredients get their own space as well.
  • Compartmentalizing where needed. Many kitchens in Chandler lack compartments, dividers, or other organizing features that allow you to store things neatly. We can add these in, with shelving for bakeware and cookware, compartments for sponges and brushes, and other specialized organizers to keep cupboards orderly.

See what your kitchen would look like with pull out shelves and improved organization. To get started with our team in Chandler, call ShelfGenie of East Valley at (888) 903-8839.

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