Wasatch Range

We pride ourselves on having the best quality Glide-Out shelves available to homeowners. Our process, service and dedicated team of professionals are simply unmatched in the business.

Kirsten Peterson


“My intention is to design and build solutions that serve your needs efficiently and gracefully, and to help living spaces work in a better way.”

Kirsten grew up both in Utah and the West coast. She is a graduate from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and was always interested in how people live in their homes. Fo many years, she built a successful career in art direction and graphic design. Shifting her focus back to residential lifestyles, she is now a professional home organizer and contributes her knowledge of form and function to ShelfGenie.

Kirsten loves oil painting, photography, home decor, outdoor adventure and travel. She finds a wellspring of inspiration in natural beauty that adds to her work as an artist.