Pull Out Shelves in Denver: How We Help You Re-Think The Kitchen

pull out shelves

Most kitchens have stress points where clutter accumulates: think of your cabinet under the sink, or when you last reached for an item at the back of your cabinet. That clutter is usually a sign that something’s not working as well as it could in your kitchen. For homeowners in the Denver area, pull out shelves can make an enormous difference in the functionality of their kitchen.

At ShelfGenie® of the Rocky Mountains, we help homeowners throughout the Denver area re-think, re-design, and re-organize cabinet storage inside their home. With custom pull out shelves, pull down compartments, and racks fitted exactly to your cabinets, we can make your kitchen practical and easy to use while matching the current aesthetic of the space.

Pull Out Shelves Improve The Function of Your Kitchen

Changing the way your kitchen looks, feels, and functions doesn’t need an extensive renovation to happen. Instead, our Designers can identify areas of your space that aren’t working, and find innovative solutions to correct the issue.

Our Glide-Out Shelving® allows us to customize and re-shape kitchen storage so you can enjoy better organization. Pull out shelves, drawer dividers, and other organizing features give your kitchen an elegant look while giving you more storage and improved organization:

  • We organize ingredients. Cooking ingredients like sugar, flour, spices, and spreads can get mixed in with teas, canned food, and other dry goods. We sort and separate these ingredients, with custom-height shelving for tall, short, and medium-sized items, so everything has a proper home.
  • We eliminate surface clutter. We create more space on floors, counters, and other surfaces by taking away garbage cans, cookbooks, utensils, and other items commonly stored in these areas. We find new spots for these, so you can reach them easily, while keeping your surfaces clean, open, and free.
  • We revitalize under-the-sink storage. Cabinets under the sink rarely get used to their fullest extent. That’s because they’re tough to get to without straining. Pipes can also make it hard to neatly organize items stored here. Our custom Glide-Out Shelving is designed with your plumbing in mind. You can extend a shelf, grab what you need, and keep going.

For homeowners in the Denver area, we can make your kitchen feel as good as new with our pull out shelves. Call ShelfGenie of the Rocky Mountains at (888) 903-8839 to get started on re-designing your kitchen storage.

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