Pull Out Shelves in Seattle: From Kitchen to Bath Everything’s Within Reach

pull out shelves

As your loved ones age, limited mobility or decreased range of motion can lead to difficulty accessing items in the kitchen or bathroom. This can cause frustration and even increase the risk of injury. At ShelfGenie® of Seattle, we have custom-made pull out shelves that will allow your loved ones to access everything they need quickly and easily.

Increased Access with Our Pull Out Shelves

The kitchen and bathroom are used multiple times every day. By having an organized and accessible space, the day will go much more smoothly. You won’t have to worry about your loved one getting injured while trying to fetch something out of their cabinets.

Rather than straining to reach or lift items, our pull out shelves put everything on display. Not only will the items be easy to see, but our shelves are fully extendable, making everything easy to access as well.

Instead of fully remodeling your loved one’s home to accommodate their unique situation, our pull out shelves will fit into their existing cabinet space. Each set is custom-built to meet the unique needs and preferences of our customers. We can work around pipes underneath sinks and have unique solutions for any shape or size of cabinet.

Our pull out shelves are the perfect solutions for seniors who wish to age in place at home. By gaining this level of accessibility and organization, they can retain a higher level of independence. It will also give you, as a family member or caregiver, peace of mind that your loved one is able to reach items on their own without risk of falling or straining.

About Our Pull Out Shelves in Seattle

At ShelfGenie of Seattle, we pride ourselves on the quality and durability of our custom storage solutions. Each product is hand-crafted here in the USA. We use top-notch materials ensuring that our shelves will last you for many years to come. They are also moisture and scratch-resistant making them extremely durable.

To start the process, schedule your free design consultation with us today! One of our designers will help you create the perfect custom storage solution for any area in the home. You will have your choice of style, color, and dividers to have the shelves fit into the existing design of the home.

For more information about our pull out shelves, call our office in Seattle at (888) 903-8839. You will enjoy the ease and accessibility of our solutions in your Seattle-area home!

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