Beautify Your Bathroom

Bathroom Closet with ShelfGenie roll out shelves

Most people dream about having a beautifully organized kitchen, but here’s why you shouldn’t neglect your bathroom.

Before you read any further, think about your bathroom. Are you picturing it in your head? Good. How does it make you feel? Happy? Stressed? These days, more and more people are answering the latter. This is because people tend to invest time, energy, and budgets on kitchen organization but often neglect another room that could use a transformation: their bathroom.

Think about your bathroom again. Wouldn’t it be amazing if your bathroom was organized? If you had, say, pull-out shelves in your bathroom cabinets and could easily find anything and everything you needed. This is actually easier than you think, thanks to ShelfGenie.

ShelfGenie offers pull-out shelves for bathrooms and bathroom organization ideas to help turn your bathroom into a space of organization and beauty. A ShelfGenie Designer will work with you to determine how you use your bathroom space. They will then develop custom solutions to ensure you’re getting the most out of that space.

Here are just two examples of ways ShelfGenie can bring organization to your bathroom.

Customized Riser
The riser is another great storage idea for your bathroom. Risers can be added to the shelves installed under your sinks to utilize that precious (and lost) storage space.

Sliding towel rack
A sliding towel rack is a unique solution that fits into your existing bathroom cabinets. That’s right¾existing. The towel rack can hold up to three small towels at a time and can easily be slid back in the cabinet until you need it again.

These are just two ideas on how you can maximize the space in your bathroom. There are many, many others, of course. When you start to think about the reality of your bathroom¾and imagine what it can become with the help of a little bathroom organization and pull-out shelves – the possibilities are limitless.

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