ShelfGenie highlighted in viral news about modern communication in the workplace

AP News, ABC News, The Washington Post, and other major media sources featured ShelfGenie CEO Andy Pittman in prominent articles covering the topic of communication in the workplace.

“Andy Pittman’s solution is to listen, negotiate and appreciate,” writes AP News. “‘They definitely have a different perspective on life than boomers. They like beer at work on Friday afternoon. They collaborate with each other in a group format a lot. It’s a more relaxed attitude,” Pittman is quoted. “Pittman does ‘see a little bit more of the entitlement attitude’ among younger employees, but he also sees hard workers. So he’s willing to negotiate on things like time off; some of his staffers would rather have more paid vacation than raises.”

How the Baby Boomer generation talks with and works with Millennials is a very hot topic. At this time in history, Baby Boomers are beginning to start and enjoy their retirements. And as more and more Millenials join the workforce, bridging communication gaps becomes a priority. “Small business owners can sometimes be perplexed or annoyed by younger staffers, whom they see as demanding or entitled in asking for time off or to know when they’ll get a promotion,” writes AP News. “But owners who take time to understand, train and mentor staffers say younger workers bring perspectives that can help a company, and that lumping an entire age group into a stereotype is detrimental to everyone.” At ShelfGenie, Andy Pittman handles cross-generation communication expertly.

Pittman has also been quoted in articles published by KTAR NewsThe Columbian, and The Chronicle Herald. Read the full stories to learn about inter-generational communication in the workplace.

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