Fall Cleaning Tips

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Fall cleaning has become just as popular as Spring cleaning, and for good reason. Since you’ll be spending a lot more time indoors, it’s a good idea to clear out the dust, dirt, and pollen that has accumulated in your home over the summer months. Cleaning and organizing in the Fall will help you prepare for the busy holiday season ahead. Here are a few tips for getting started.

Tackle the overlooked areas. Wipe down the blinds, lighting, cabinets, and appliances; wash the windows and floors; spot-clean upholstered furniture and cushions; disinfect the garbage cans; and shampoo the carpets. Declutter and tidy up, throwing away or donating what you don’t need.

Organize your cabinets. Move your summer appliances and supplies to the back of the cabinets, and your slow cooker and pie tins to the front. Add organization with ShelfGenie Glide-Out shelves for easy access to items that are often out of sight. Create a system for storing like items together.

Clean out the pantry. Take everything out of your pantry. You never know what’s hiding in the back! Throw away expired items and donate items that you won’t use. Use warm, soapy water to wipe down the shelves. Create an organization system for the items that you put back in the pantry, with like items stored together, and the most used items in the front. Frequently check the contents of the pantry and replace items as needed. Add ShelfGenie Glide-Out shelves to get the most out of one of the busiest spots in your kitchen!

Clean out the fridge. Empty the contents on the countertop. Throw away expired items, spoiled produce, and almost-empty bottles of marinades and dressings. Use warm, soapy water to wipe down the shelves. Use baskets or dividers to create zones for produce, snacks, and dairy, etc.

Declutter your closet. As your wardrobe needs begin to change, pull out your summer items and decide what you want to keep, donate, or toss. Pack up your summer wardrobe or move it to a less accessible part of your closet so your cold-weather items are easier to reach.

Breathe easier. Since the windows will be closed and ventilation will be limited, be sure to protect your family and home from potential dangers that may arise during the colder months. Check and replace air filters and the furnace filter; sweep the chimney; and test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Fall cleaning doesn’t have to be done in one day, or on one weekend. Make a list and tackle small projects when you can. Enlist the help of family members to keep in manageable. The deep cleaning will pay off when you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your space.

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