Rules to Follow for a Spotless Kitchen

The busiest room in the house is often the most challenging to keep clean. Between food prep, cooking, and lots of traffic, the kitchen can get messy pretty quickly. Instead of spending hours tackling a big cleaning once a week, there are a few simple things you can do regularly to keep the mess under control. Here are some tried and true rules to follow for a spotless kitchen.

  1. Wipe down the table and counters after every meal. It seems simple enough, yet we can get distracted and come back later to find sticky substances that have hardened on the surfaces. It only takes a few minutes to wipe everything down when you’re done eating, and you’ll need less elbow grease if you do it right away.
  2. Stay on top of the dishes. Don’t let dirty dishes pile up in the sink. If you use a glass or plate, make sure you rinse it and put it in the dishwasher right away. Have your family members do the same thing and it will become a habit for everyone.
  3. Store away small appliances to keep counters clear of clutter. With Shelf Genie’s Glide-Out Shelving, you can keep everything out of site, yet accessible. Store the blender, toaster, and other frequently used items on a Glide-Out Shelf in a cabinet and you’ll appreciate your new-found counter space.
  4. Clean out the refrigerator every few days. Before grocery shopping and before trash pickup, take a few minutes to go through the fridge and toss old leftovers, expired items, or spoiled produce. Wipe down the shelves and organize the contents before you add in anything new.
  5. Manage paper clutter. Set up a command center in one area of your kitchen to house mail, homework assignments, coupons, grocery lists, and more. Use bins or trays to hold keys, phones, and other items that often take up counter space.
  6. Vacuum at the end of the day. Crumbs and debris can quickly accumulate on your kitchen floor. After the kitchen is closed for the evening, take a few minutes to run the vacuum. You’ll appreciate the clean floors when you are preparing breakfast the next morning.
  7. Clean while you wait. If you have dinner in the oven or you’re waiting for the water to boil, take a few minutes to load the dishwasher and wipe down the counters. A few minutes of cleaning in between, can save you some work after dinner.
  8. Make sure everything has its own place. Keep utensils in drawers or containers, fruit in bowls, coffee in the cabinet, water bottles in the pantry, etc. When everything has a designated space, your counters will remain free of clutter.

Sometimes your kitchen requires a big clean, which you can schedule when you know you have extra time. In the meantime, day-to-day tidying can change the overall look and feel of the space. Try to incorporate a few tips into your daily routine and see if it makes a difference.

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